Fray | Champions of the Every-Verse
Fray | Champions of the Every-Verse!
You can find our more about the game, right here. From game play info, to strategy, to sneak peaks at artwork and other game elements, the information you want is all right here.
Fray | Champions of the Every-Verse
Fray | Champions of the Every-Verse
You can find our more about the game, right here. From game play info, to strategy, to sneak peaks at artwork and other game elements, the information you want is all right here.
Read about the game and how it's played.

An Introduction
Fray is a light, fast and action packed arena combat game that pits Champions from across time and genres against each other. Enjoy a glimpse at some of the mechanics, artwork and components along with a description of how the game works.

Selecting You Champion
Fray: Champions of the Every-verse steeps its combat in the lore of its Champions and their place in the grand schemes of the all-powerful Watchers who choose them. Take a quick peak into some of the reasoning behind a Watcher's champion selection.

Beginning The Battle
The second article in a series, which introduces the basics of playing Fray | Champions of the Every-Verse board game. Learn the basics of starting a game, turn progression, initiative, and movement.

Fighting the Battle
The third post in our preview series examines the ins and outs of combat, including an in depth look at the rules on how combat is resolved in Fray | Champions of the Every-Verse.

Item Cards
This is the fourth article in a series, which introduces Item Cards in Fray | Champions of the Every-Verse board game, including what they are used for, how they are acquired and more.

More on Item Cards
Take an in depth look at the individual Item cards, their rules, and how they apply to the individual characters associated with them.

Champion Cards
This fifth post in our preview series gives you a sneak peak at the individual character cards and the skills that each character possesses.
Pages & Resources
Learn More about the Lore, the game design, and even grab some Fray swag.

The Lore
Visit the 'World of Fray' Page to learn more about the story line behind the game and it's characters.

The Game
Visit the 'Game of Fray' Page for a basic overview of the game itself and take a peak at actual game elements.

Like What you See? Why not pick up some prints of the fantastic artwork from the game.